Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kids write the darndest things.

My seven year olds are graduating from SLP and were asked to write their plans for once they graduate, their responses are below, enjoy!


I will plan to go ice fishing and catch fish and eat fish so the fish will die. I think I will be a fish when I grow up so I will die.  When I do not become a fish I will not die so I will not become a fish so I will not die forever. I will travel to the moon with Solomon, Jamie, Phillip, my shell crab, and Amy.  I will tickle Amy with a big feather so Amy will fall into a black hole, it will be very dark so there will be an alligator in the black hole.  The alligator will bite Amy, so Amy will go to the hospital.  Amy will be alive again so I will be very very angry.


Hello my name is Jamie.  I want to travel to the moon with Solomon and eagles.  I will tickle Amy with a large feather so Amy will fall down from the moon and go inside the black hole. Inside the black hole will be dark, I will put an alligator inside the black hole so Alligator will bite Amy.  I will be happy on the moon.  I will eat lunch on the moon too!  Simon and Phillip will be there too.  We will eat lunch together, then it will be time to travel to Pluto.  I will go to Pluto but it will not be cold.  I broke Pluto and inside there was a treasure, it was a parrot. We went back to earth and went to Dunkin Donuts and ate donuts and ice cream.  We were very happy, I played at kids café.  Then I went to Café Bene, we drank hot chocolate, it was a very fun time! We talked about what I did when I was at the moon.


I will travel to the earth with monkeys so I can ride on a space ship with my Amy monkey so she can be a pirate, and there are so many pirate monkeys!  So my pirate monkeys will be my captain commander soldier.  Next, Amy monkey will come to me and say there is a soldier commander so I will say wow!  But suddenly there was a tan and helicopter so I say hello!  I will go to the moon and see Jamie.  Then I will go to another moon and see Solomon!  Amy monkey will be playing with her blocks and ninjago!  I want to make cookies for Amy monkey but suddenly there was a Simon Angry bird and Simon says I want to eat Dunkin Donuts.  I went back to my Amy monkey but see angry bird and I say what is your name?  My name is Simon angry bird.  Goodbye to everyone and I say goodbye to Jamie too.


I will travel to the moon with eagles.  I will ride a space ship to the sun. I will go to elementary school.  I will make a snowman and I will ride a rollercoaster and go ice fishing.  I will make a robot with ice.  I will kick away all the pirates in the whole world.  I will make a sandcastle. I will play with blocks and I will make a paper black hole.  I will make planets out of paper.  Then I will go to the sun and meet Jamie.  I will ride a dolphin and go to the whole world and I will learn how to swim.  I will practice playing soccer, and I will ride a horse.  I will find a treasure and kick the soccer ball and break the treasure box and I will buy all the ninjago toys. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Is really really tasty, seriously.  I eat it all the time, if you get a chance to eat it, you should.  Don't think of it as old cabbage with fish paste, because it is much better than that.

Anyway, not too much new to report.  I have been hanging out at my apartment a lot during the week and taking full advantage of Korea's lack of downloading restrictions, it has been lovely!

Other than that we are gearing up for graduation at school.  My 7 year olds are leaving me and heading off to elementary school which is a little sad, I really enjoy those kids, BUT starting next week I am going to get a brand new group of 5 year olds who can't speak any English, and I am stoked.

Some of my favorite little nuggets have done some pretty awesome artwork that I feel the need to share:

Blaze drew a dong chim, google it if you are not sure what it is, the picture will make more sense then and will also be much more humorous. 

My 5 year olds also made books this week of what different body parts are for, this is what Kelso said his head was for. Too awesome.

I also got a super awesome care package from my mom this week! Some delicious cookies, deodorant, and coffee were among its contents, I was super stoked!  It also contained a ridiculously wonderful MN North Stars sweatshirt that I now wear every single day once I get home from work, it is so warm and cozy and lovely!

Oh, I also got another tattoo...about three months ago.  It is behind my ear and only noticeable if I have my hair pinned back, it is written in Hangul and says Korea, I think it's pretty cool.

I am also wearing the previously mentioned sweatshirt in this picture, I wasn't kidding, I wear it all the time.

Everything is going well, I am getting really antsy to go home though, I miss everyone so much!  Once it gets closer I will know more specifics of where I will be and when but, until then I am expecting to be in the states around the end of June until early or mid August, so hopefully that will leave enough time to see everyone.

Have a lovely rest of your week!